Newsletter 20th October 2024

September 2025 intake – Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School tour: Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School are holding their school tours for prospective parents on Thursday, 17th October at 10am, Tuesday, 22nd October at 2pm and Thursday, 7th November at 10am. Places are limited so please telephone the school office on 01245 353755 to book the tour.
Marriage Care needs a volunteer to become our Centre Coordinator: You will join our small, friendly team who prepare couples getting married in the church and support others whose relationship may be in difficulty. The role requires running quarterly centre meetings, some minute taking, attending a quarterly bi-monthly Zoom meeting with other Coordinators and some local administration. Not too time consuming, but very rewarding. For further information please contact Denise Carter Peter Blackman or Tim Gallagher
From the Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre: We are celebrating the Annual Mass for our deceased relatives and friends, in particular those buried in our cemetery, on Saturday 2nd November (All Souls’ Day) at 2pm at New Hall in the School Chapel. The Mass will be followed by visits to the cemetery for those who wish and tea. All welcome. For purposes of catering, please let us know if you will be with us by emailing
Second collection THIS week: World Mission Sunday is the one Sunday in the year when the Mass is celebrated exclusively for missionary activity. Donations are collected after these worldwide Masses and they go, in their entirety, to support churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is new, young or poor. Thank you so much for prayers and every contribution.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN: There are forms available in the back of the Church and online at https://www.chelmsfordcatholic... for this years First Holy Communion Programme with Fr Damien. The course is for children in Yr 3 and above. Applications close on Friday 23rd October. Would you like to help with our First Communion Programme this year? If so please contact Fr Damien in person or via the Parish Office.
ROSARY BEFORE MASSES: Before all Sunday Masses during the month of October the rosary will be prayed in Our Lady Immaculate and Holy Name churches.
LINKED PARISHES CHRISTMAS FAYRE – SUNDAY 24th NOVEMBER: We are starting to collect items suitable for sale at our forthcoming Christmas Fayre. Donations of toiletries, new items, bric a brac, jewellery, bottles for the bottle stall, toys, and Christmas foods etc. All donations very much appreciated and can be left in the boxes available at the back of our churches. Thank you in advance for supporting this very enjoyable event, which raises much needed funds for the Parishes. For any enquiries and offers of help, please contact Anne on (01245) 257463.
Half-term Flapjack coffee morning for Mary's Meals at Holy Name : Wednesday 30th October in Holy Name's Canon Wilson Hall, 10.30 to 12Noon . All ages welcome!
DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS: In the Church of the Holy Name after the 7:30pm Mass on Monday 20th October. All very welcome.
LINKED PARISH CHRISTMAS DRAW TICKETS: Our Christmas Draw tickets will be handed out on Sunday 20th October. Please take as many of the books as you can to sell to friends and family. 1st prize £300, 2nd prize a large Christmas hamper and many more hampers and lovely prizes to be won! This is a special fundraiser, run in conjunction with the Christmas Fayre, to raise essential funds for the running of our parishes. Please do support your parish, and try to make this the best result ever! Counterfoils and money from sold ticket books can be put in an envelope and placed in the Sunday collection plate or left at the Parish office.
CONTACT YOUR MP: Kim Leadbeater MP is introducing a bill to introduce assisted suicide, which will be voted on by MPs on the 29 November. We know that assisted suicide laws in other jurisdictions have had devastating consequences for the poor, disabled and marginalised. This is the biggest threat to the vulnerable in a decade, and we need a huge effort to lobby MPs. Please contact your MP by visiting
St John Payne Catholic School, Sixth Form Open Evening: I (Derek Hewlett, Head of Sixth Form,) am delighted to invite members of the catholic community to our Sixth Form Open Evening on 13th November, from 17:00 to 19:00. This event is a wonderful opportunity for you and your child to explore the exciting possibilities that our Sixth Form offers. The evening will feature speeches from our Head Teacher and myself in the Aquinas Hall, starting at 17:00 and again at 18:30. We will provide valuable information about our curriculum, the vision for our Sixth Form and the support available for a successful transition to Sixth Form. If you would like to attend, please visit ourl website to register your interest.
SVP Chelmsford Christmas Crafts Fundraiser: We have a selection of crochet patterns to share with anyone who would like to create a small item eg ; cross, bookmark for donation to this event. Please contact or text 07531241124, for more information.
Hungry bucket at Holy Name: A huge thank you to the parishioners at Holy Name who have so generously donated to the hungry bucket over the past few months.We have recently been able to send £200 to Mercy Ships who provide life saving surgery in Africa. £150 to Shelter Box for their Lebanon appeal and £100 to the Sisters in Melbourne who do wonderful work both in Chelmsford and in Africa.
HELP NEEDED: For a partially sighted disabled lady in the parish to shop and clean and general help on Mondays for 3.5 hours and Thursdays for 4 hours in the Springfield area. References and access to a car essential. Rates and hours worked negotiable on application. For more information enquire via the Parish Office
BAPTISMS THIS WEEK: We pray for and welcome Mark Cserkuti as the newest member of our Catholic community.
THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: provides practical support where possible for those who need it. Are you, in need of help, or know someone who is? If so, contact us on 0207 7033030, 07936 579230 or via the Parish Office. All calls are completely confidential. If you would like to donate furniture or are in need, contact the SVP furniture project on 0330 0436474.
HOSPITAL AND SICK VISITS: If you or a member of your family go into hospital, or are sick and housebound, please inform the Parish Office so a priest or the Legion of Mary can visit you.
Margaret O'DONNELL (RIP) Requiem Mass on Wednesday 30th October at 11:30am in Our Lady Immaculate Church.
Muriel TURNER (RIP) Requiem Mass on 23rd October at 1pm in Blessed Sacrament Church.
Bill Innes (RIP) Funeral Service to be arranged.
Michael Walsh (RIP) Funeral Service to be arranged.
Jennifer Bowman, Maureen Byrne, Marie Callahan, Josephine Cheshire, Valerie Cummins, Myrtle Collopy, Doreen Cornish, Mary Denning, Madeleine East, Troy Erickson, Marta Fevola, Mary Fletcher, Michael Hoare, Mike Healy, John Grainger, Robert Godfrey, Connor Hickey, Sheila Hughes, Maureen Leatherdale, Stuart Lucas, Margaret Lowrey, Maura Magee, Barry Mayo, Sarah & Henry McKeon, Monica McShane, Donny McColl, Grazia Paola, Christine Staines, Rose Turner, Patrick Waters, Anja Welsh-Smyth, Gayle Williams & Shirley Willis.
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