First Holy Communion


The First Holy Communion Programme begins on Saturday the 16th of November.

Applications forms and the suggested financial contribution to this years programme (by cash or cheque made payable to 'Our Lady Immaculate Church.') should be submitted to the parish office by the date above.

Additionally if your child has not been baptised in one of our linked parish churches, you must also enclose a copy of their Baptism Certificate.

8th October 2024

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this finds you well. This letter is to give you advance notice and important details regarding this years First Holy Communion programme, which will begin on Saturday 16th November for our linked parishes in St Augustine of Canterbury Church. As parents and guardians, you have been entrusted by God with the beautiful responsibility of helping your child grow in the Gospel virtues of faith, hope, and love.

Who is this year’s First Holy Communion programme for?

This programme is offered to practising Catholic children who live and worship in the parishes of Holy Name, Our Lady Immaculate and St Augustine of Canterbury and who are currently in year 3 or above (primary school only). As parents and guardians you should be prepared to support your child by ensuring they attend every session and be regularly attending Mass with them. If you live outside our parish please contact your local Parish Priest for permission to join our programme prior to enrolment.

How does the Programme run?

Our Programme involves sessions for both children and for parents. At Baptism you were reminded that you are the first and most important teachers of your child in the ways of faith, we hope very much to help you in this and much of the course will be expected to be delivered with you and your child in the setting of the family home.

There will be nine mandatory sessions (including one evening where your child will receive their first Reconciliation) These will run from November 2024 to May 2025. All sessions will begin promptly at 9.30am and end at 11am, please arrive before this to register your child at each session. Sessions will take place in the Church of St Augustine of Canterbury, Beardsley Drive, Springfield, CM1 6GQ (Ample parking is available and the church is on a bus route). You and your child will be expected to attend all the sessions to be considered to have completed the course and be ready to receive First Holy Communion next year. Regular Mass attendance at the weekend is also an integral part of the programme.

As in previous years your child’s First Holy Communion will be celebrated in two ways. Firstly, your child will receive their First Holy Communion at a Sunday Mass that you regularly attend. This will provide a calm and spiritual setting for receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion for the first time, and a setting for their continued participation in the Eucharist each week at Mass. Secondly there will be a large celebration for all our First Holy Communion families in the Summer, a date to be confirmed later this year. At this there will be ample room to invite family and friends, and the setting will provide easy access, seating, parking and facilities. We hope to provide refreshments and make this a truly memorable and joyful occasion for all.

How do I enrol my child?

An Application form (for each child) should be completed and returned to the Parish Office as soon as possible with a £25 contribution per child enclosed (cash or cheque made payable to "Our Lady Immaculate Church.") Applications may not be accepted after the closing date of Friday 25th October 2024. Please do contact me or the parish office personally if you would like assistance in making the contribution.

A copy of your child's baptism certificate should be attached to the application form, if they were not baptised at one of our linked parish churches.

This year’s First Holy Communion sessions from 9:30am to 11:00am at St Augustine of Canterbury Church are:

  • Saturday 16th November 2024
  • Saturday 14th December 2024
  • Saturday 11th January 2025
  • First Reconciliation Services with Fr Damien are available on Thursday 30th January and Wednesday 5th February at Our Lady Immaculate Church from 6:30pm. You only need to attend one of these sessions.
  • Saturday 8th Feb 2025
  • Saturday 1st March 2025
  • Saturday 22nd March 2025
  • Saturday 26th April 2025
  • Saturday 10th May 2025 – including rehearsal.

If you as a family are unable to commit all the above dates for this year, there will another programme taking place next year, which may work better for your family. Please discuss this with Fr Damien.

First Holy Communion Masses

Your child will receive their first Holy Communion between the weekends of Sunday 11th May 2025 to Sunday 15th June 2025, during their regular Sunday Mass in the church where they normally attend. When completing your application form, please advise us on any weekend where you have a prior commitment, as this will assist us when assigning a Mass to your child and family. The date of the celebratory ‘going forth’ Mass bringing all of this year’s first Holy Communion cohort together again will also be confirmed later in the year.

Finally let's all pray that God will bless our journey together to our celebration of First Holy Communion 2025!

With all good wishes,

In Christ,

Fr Damien Wade

Assistant Parish Priest to Chelmsford Linked Parishes

Programme Dates:

Session one: Saturday 16th November 2024 9.30-11.00am

Session two: Saturday 14th December 2024 9.30-11.00am

Session three: Saturday 11th January 2025 9.30-11.00am

Session four: Saturday 8th February 2025 9.30-11.00am

Session five: Saturday 1st March 2025 9.30-11.00am

Session six: Saturday 22nd March 2025 9.30-11.00am

Session seven: Saturday 26th April 2025 9.30-11.00am

Session eight: Saturday 10th May 2025 9.30-11.00am


  • First Reconciliation Services with Fr Damien are available on Thursday 30th January and Wednesday 5th February at Our Lady Immaculate Church from 6:30pm. You only need to attend one of these sessions.


Your child will receive their first Holy Communion between the weekends of Sunday 11th May 2025 to Sunday 15th June 2025, during their regular Sunday Mass in the church where they normally attend.


To be confirmed in 2025.