“Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38
We are delighted that you are considering having your child baptised. This is a sacred moment in your child’s life and marks the beginning of their friendship with Christ through the life of His Church. This is also an opportunity for you to thank God for the gift of your child and to renew your own commitment to the practice of your faith.
On the day of a child’s baptism, they are plunged into the death and resurrection of Christ. They are drenched in His divine life of love and mercy. From that moment onwards, the seed of this relationship with Christ is to be nurtured by their parents who are called to be “the first and best teachers of the faith by what they say and do.”
As parents, your child’s baptism is an opportunity for you to reflect on your own friendship with Christ and the ways in which it might grow stronger within the parish family.
When arranging a baptism approach a Parish Priest, or contact the parish office as soon as possible after birth, or indeed before it, so that all the practicalities can be dealt with.
We are delighted that you are considering having your child baptised. This is a sacred moment in your child’s life and marks the beginning of their friendship with Christ through the life of His Church. This is also an opportunity for you to thank God for the gift of your child and to renew your own commitment to the practice of your faith.
On the day of a child’s baptism, they are plunged into the death and resurrection of Christ. They are drenched in His divine life of love and mercy. From that moment onwards, the seed of this relationship with Christ is to be nurtured by their parents who are called to be “the first and best teachers of the faith by what they say and do.”
As parents, your child’s baptism is an opportunity for you to reflect on your own friendship with Christ and the ways in which it might grow stronger within the parish family.
Belonging to the parish family
All the members of our parish family are valued and known to us. At the same time, they all willingly contribute weekly to the family household, the parish. Therefore, we are asking you to:
Please register so that we know that you are a member of the parish family. Even if you have registered in the past, we ask you to do so again in order that we can ensure that our parish database is up to date.
At the top of this page are two versions of the Parish Application Forms that can be downloaded. One is a pdf, and the other is editable in word.
Please return this to the Parish Office with suggested dates that work for your family.
Baptisms usually take place on Saturdays at 11:30 or 12 Noon or by request in Sunday Masses.
Parents are also asked to take part in a baptism preparation course that will help them to joyfully participate in the rite of baptism and the Christian education of their children. If this is your first Baptism that you are booking in the Parish you will need to complete the Parish Baptism course.
The Parish Baptism course happens on the last Friday of every month at 7:30 in Our Lady Immaculate Parish church. After receiving the Baptism form, we will confirm your place on an upcoming course or confirm that it is not required.
And Jesus came and said to them - All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:18-20