The Parishioner Autumn 2022

The latest copy of 'The Parishioner Autumn 2022 is now available.

Below is a letter from the Editor of the Parishioner and information about future content deadlines.

For more information contact the editor through the Parish Office.

Download the Parishioner Easter 2022


Our Autumn edition of the Parishioner comes just in time to welcome our new priests to Chelmsford and is a perfect opportunity to introduce them to you all. Father Martin Hardy, our new Parish Priest and Fathers Oliver Tham & Damien Wade, have very kindly written a resume of their life & career so far, so that we can get to know them better. I'm sure that you will join me in wishing them a warm welcome to Chelmsford & rally around to assist them wherever possible.
With their additional responsibility of caring for the parishioners of St. Augustine of Canterbury, who will be linked to Our Lady Immaculate & Holy Name parishes, we now also invite the parishioners of St. Augustine to share in our Parish magazine. Hopefully they will send contributions for future editions & enjoy joining us.
Last but not least, I'm sure that you will join with me in welcoming our new Parish Administrator, Ginny Parry, who is now the friendly voice and face at the Presbytery whenever you phone or call in. Thank you Ginny for all you have done and are doing to make the transition go smoothly both for our new priests and for all of us too!
Hopefully the upheaval and uncertainty of the last few months will soon settle down as we go on to build our communities even stronger than before.

Ian Dawson

Email :
Please note – the Editor reserves the right to publish,
or modify, articles at his discretion.
Our next edition comes out on Christmas Day 2022
All copy to the Editor by Sunday 20th November please.