Newsletter 1st September 2024

GOODBYE FATHER PASCHAL: We bid farewell to Fr Paschal this week as he prepares to embark on a new chapter in his ministry. Fr Paschal will be moving to his new parish in Grays next weekend. We extend our deepest gratitude for the joyful and dedicated service he has provided to the Chelmsford Linked Parishes during his time with us. His presence has been a blessing, and his commitment to our community will be dearly missed. As he transitions to his new role, our prayers go with him. May God's grace continue to guide and strengthen him in his generous ministry to all, and may Our Lady, Mary, keep him under her loving care and intercession.
FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTIONS: to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus will be held at 6:30pm in Our Lady Immaculate church on Friday, 6th September before the Mass at 7:30pm.
SVP FUNDRAISING FOR SOUTH SUDAN - Save the Date - 28th September - Hall of Games. We're trying something a bit different to our usual quiz format - please save the date and come along for an evening of games and team challenges at St Augustine's Church. More details to follow.
LINKED PARISH PILGRIMAGE TRIP TO WALSINGHAM: Monday 7th October 2024. Envelopes available at the back of the Churches to book your place on the coach trip leaving from our three Parish churches. The cost is £20 per person. Envelopes can be handed in with your details to the Parish Office or via the collection plate. Places still available. If you require any further information please call the Parish Office.
HELP NEEDED: For a partially sighted disabled lady in the parish to shop and clean and general help on Mondays for 3.5 hours and Thursdays for 4 hours in the Springfield area, short term employment also considered. References and access to a car essential. Rates and hours worked negotiable on application. For more information enquire via the Parish Office. Applicants from the Chelmsford locality preferred.
BBQ and Mass for young adults: Our Lady Immaculate, Chelmsford, Sunday 8th September: If you are 18+, having left school, from 1st September then you are very welcome to join a group of young adults for a BBQ from 4pm with Mass at 7pm, at Our Lady Immaculate Church in Chelmsford. No need to book, simply come along to meet other young adult Catholics and find out more about upcoming events just for you!
ST AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY CHURCH 150 CLUB: The August Draw was won by share 56, E Hyland. If you would like further details on how to join the 150 club, please contact Chris Thompson via the Parish office.
SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEK: For Education Sunday and the work of the Catholic Education Service.
Pilgrims of Hope 2025 across our Chelmsford Catholic Parish Partnership: As we prepare for the Holy Year 2025 our focus in these coming months of the Church worldwide is Prayer. In these coming weeks we are sharing the experience of our own religious communities in Chelmsford and the wider Diocese. All are welcome to join the presentations in these coming weeks that begin at 7:30pm.
Session (1) Thurs 19th Sept in Holy Name Church Hall.
“Introduction to Prayer” with Fr Martin.
Session (2) Thurs 10th Oct in St Augustine.
“Mary and Prayer” with the Servite Sisters.
Session (3) Thurs 7th Nov in St Augustine.
“The early monastic tradition and Prayer” with Fr Michael Burleigh.
Session (4) Thurs 14th Nov in Blessed Sacrament Church.
“St Ignatius and discernment in Prayer” with Bishop Alan.
Session (5) Wed 4th Dec in Our Lady Immaculate Church Hall.
“The Prayer of the Church” with the Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre.
As we journey through the coming Holy Year we are invited to reflect on our Christian Community as Pilgrims of Hope. We are looking forward to celebrate and reflect on Marriage and family life through offering an Alpha course on marriage during Lent. Events for young people, a pilgrimage to Rome and local shrines are being planned. If you have any other ideas please contact the Parish Office.
Musicians required for the 7pm Mass in Our Lady Immaculate Church: On the fourth Sunday of every month there will be a new music group to lead the singing at the 7pm Mass in Our Lady Immaculate Church. If you would like to join this group please speak with Martin Humphries or contact the Parish Office.
Latest 200 Club winners in OUR LADY IMMACULATE:
7th July No. 49 W. Innes 4th August No. 30 M. Waters
14th July No. 22 M. McAllen 11th August No. 23 M. Healy
21st July No. 32 J. Grainger 18th August No. 106 J. Barrett
28th July No. 15 K. Pickett 25th August No. 97 M. Jennings
If you would like more information about joining the 200 Club please contact the Parish Office. Congratulations to all the winners!
THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: provides practical support where possible for those who need it. Are you, in need of help, or know someone who is? If so, contact us on 0207 7033030, 07936 579230 or via the Parish Office.
All calls are completely confidential. If you would like to donate furniture or are in need, contact the SVP furniture project on 0330 0436474.
HOSPITAL AND SICK VISITS: If you or a member of your family go into hospital, or are sick and housebound, please inform the Parish Office so a priest or the Legion of Mary can visit you.
Elaine LARNER (RIP) Funeral Service on Friday 20th September at 12:30pm in Our Lady Immaculate Church.
Jennifer Bowman, Maureen Byrne, Marie Callahan, Josephine Cheshire, Valerie Cummins, Myrtle Collopy, Doreen Cornish, Mary Denning, Madeleine East, Troy Erickson, Marta Fevola, Mary Fletcher, Michael Hoare, Mike Healy, John Grainger, Robert Godfrey, Connor Hickey, Sheila Hughes, Bill Innes, Maureen Leatherdale, Stuart Lucas, Margaret Lowrey, Maura Magee, Barry Mayo, Sarah & Henry McKeon, Monica McShane, Anthony Smith, Donny McColl, Grazia Paola, Christine Staines, Rose Turner, Patrick Waters, Anja Welsh-Smyth, Gayle Williams & Shirley Willis.
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