Newsletter 1st December 2024

CHRISTMAS DRAW TICKETS FOR THE PATRONAL FEAST: Just a reminder that sold Christmas draw ticket counterfoils can be put in an envelope with the money and placed in the Sunday Mass collection basket or left at the parish office. The draw will happen after the 7:30pm Mass on the Patronal feast of Our Lady Immaculate Church on the 9th December in the Parish Hall. More books are available at the back of the churches.
Pilgrims of Hope 2025 across our Chelmsford Catholic Parish Partnership: The final of our Linked Parish Prayer talks in preparation for the Pilgrim Year of Hope beginning in Advent is this Wednesday 4th December at 7:30PM in Our Lady Immaculate Church Hall "The Prayer of the Church," with the Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre.
JOINT CAROL CONCERT IN ST AUGUSTINE: With our joint Christian communities on the 8th December at 3:30pm All are very welcome to attend.
Can you play the piano, organ or guitar? The St Augustines music group are looking for a pianist or guitarist to accompany and support with music and worship over the Advent and Christmas period and beyond. Contact Leighton or the parish office for further details.
CHRISTMAS FAYRE: Thanks so much to all who came to our Parish Christmas Fayre last Sunday and also to all of you who so generously donated so many lovely items to be sold. A magnificent sum in excess of £3,842.15 was raised for church funds and a great time was had by all who attended. It goes without saying that none of this could happen without our dedicated band of helpers who work so hard behind the scenes and on the day to make it all happen - thank you all!
SVP Chelmsford Coffee Morning 8th December: Coffee, tea, soft drinks, delicious home- baked cakes and savouries will be served after the 9am Mass today in Our Lady Immaculate Church. There will also be a selection of beautiful Christmas Crafts on sale. All welcome.
CHRISTMAS FLOWER COLLECTION AT ST AUGUSTINE CHURCH: On Sunday the 1st & 8th December, there will be retiring collections for flowers to decorate our Church at Christmas. A collection box will also be available after weekday Masses. All contributions gratefully received.
CHORAL CONCERT EVENING AT BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH: With the Boreham Ladies Choir on Friday 13th December at 7:30pm. Tickets cost £5 and are available on at the door. Raffle tickets on sale, Refreshments available. All proceeds to Blessed Sacrament Hall Refurbishment Fund. Everyone Welcome and all donations gratefully received.
YOUTH MASS IN BRENTWOOD CATHEDRAL: This Thursday in Brentwood Cathedral, from 6pm : Join the BCYS to celebrate Youth Mass each month with other young Catholics from all around the Diocese. There will be pizza in the Parish Hall from 6pm. The Youth Mass is then celebrated in the Cathedral at 7:30pm. If you would like support with transport to attend the Mass please contact the Parish office.
READINGS FOR THE SEASON OF ADVENT: Fr Adrian Graffy, parish priest of Gidea Park and member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, has prepared reflections on all the Mass readings for the Season of Advent. To access these go to and click on ‘Scripture Readings’ and then ‘Advent Readings’.
FORTY HOURS DEVOTION 6th - 9th DECEMBER IN OUR LADY IMMACULATE CHURCH: Sign up sheets for a period of adoration are available in the Our Lady Immaculate Church to ensure that the Blessed Sacrament is not alone in the church during these 40 hours. All are welcome to attend at any time. There will be celebration refreshments in the hall after the Patronal Feast Mass at 7:30pm in Our Lady Immaculate Church on the 9th December. All welcome.
Journey Through Advent Together: The Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre are offering 4 zoomed Advent Reflections at 5.30 on each of the four Sundays of Advent. Everyone is welcome - the link is This link can also be found on our website
Can you volunteer at the St John Bosco Children’s Camp next summer? Applications are now open for anyone aged 17+ to volunteer for a week at the end of July 2025. From helping in the kitchen to running sports and other activities, your skills will mean that 100 children have a wonderful holiday. For most of the children, it is their only summer holiday. The Camp is a special work of Caritas Brentwood. More information - including training date and DBS requirements, along with volunteering FAQs - can all be found at Applications for children to come to Camp will open in the spring.
CHRISTMAS MEMORIAL SERVICE: Thursday 19th December at 18:30 at the Three Counties Crematorium Chapel CM7 5PB. Please join us to remember those who have passed away and take time to reflect on the memories we all hold. Refreshments available. For more information see the posters in Church.
CHRISTMAS WEEK MASS TIMES: are now available on the website https://www.chelmsfordcatholic... There will also be a day of mercy on Wednesday 18th December in Our Lady Immaculate with confessions available in the Church from 10am-6pm.
THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: provides practical support where possible for those who need it. Are you, in need of help, or know someone who is? If so, contact us on 0207 7033030, 07936 579230 or via the Parish Office. All calls are completely confidential. If you would like to donate furniture or are in need, contact the SVP furniture project on 0330 0436474.
HOSPITAL AND SICK VISITS: If you or a member of your family go into hospital, or are sick and housebound, please inform the Parish Office so a priest or the Legion of Mary can visit you.
David O'SULLIVAN (RIP) Requiem Mass on Thursday 12th December at 1pm in Our Lady Immaculate Church.
Josephine CHESHIRE (RIP) Requiem Mass on Friday 13th December at 11:30am in Our Lady Immaculate Church.
Shelia TURNER (RIP) Requiem Mass on Friday 10th January 2025 at 12:30pm in Our Lady Immaculate Church
Mary DENNING (RIP) To be arranged.
Jennifer Bowman, Maureen Byrne, Marie Callahan, Valerie Cummins, Doreen Cornish,, Madeleine East, Troy Erickson, Marta Fevola, Mary Fletcher, Michael Hoare, Mike Healy, Shelia Hughes John Grainger, Robert Godfrey, Connor Hickey, Mavis Jennings, Maureen Leatherdale, Stuart Lucas, Margaret Lowrey, Anne Lowden, Maura Magee, Barry Mayo, Sarah & Henry McKeon, Monica McShane, Donny McColl, Grazia Paola, Christine Staines, Rose Turner, John Rees, Patrick Waters, Anja Welsh-Smyth, Gayle Williams & Shirley Willis.
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