23rd Chelmsford Scout Group

The 23rd Chelmsford Scout Group is the only Catholic group in Chelmsford District and was originally formed by the Nuns at St. Philip’s Priory.

We used to meet in Our Lady Immaculate School many years ago, followed by the Youth Hall at Christchurch and on 23/02/23 we moved to Our Lady Immaculate Church Hall where we meet on Thursday evenings.

There are three sections as follows:-

Beavers Aged 6 – 8 Meet 18:00 – 19:00

Cubs Aged 8 – 10 ½ Meet 19:00 – 20:15

Scouts Aged 10 ½ - 14 Meet 20:15 – 21:30

Being a member of the Scout Movement, our young people achieve new skills, form friendships for life, gain a huge variety of badges, attend church parades, take part in camps and many other exciting activities, to name just a few things. The Scout Movement is diverse and all-inclusive.

The contact details for our Sections are as follows: -

Beaver Leader - Catherine May 01245 357814 piglet23rd@gmail.com

Cub Leader - Frances Cameron 07759 344698 akelafrances@live.co.uk

Scout Leader - Steve Knights 07703 348450 steve@igknightedcontact.com

General enquiries: -

Group Scout Leader - John Cameron 07833 412894 cameron_j4@sky.com