Food Bank Lenten Appeals

Food bank appeal during Lent in Our Lady Immaculate Church

Before lockdown, during lent it has been the custom for The Church of the Holy Name and Our Lady Immaculate Church to give gifts of food and supplies to the Food Bank in Chelmsford, for those who can, it is an good way to fulfil our Lenten obligation by buying a few extra items chosen from the following list when you do your weekly shop.

Times are hard for some and so it may not be possible for everyone to do this, but the food bank has always been very grateful for the generous donations of gifts from our church.

The collection will start on Sunday 18th February, so if you can help, please can you leave your gifts in a bag at the back of the church where they will be collected and delivered to the Food Bank.

Items specifically asked for:Please do not bring:
Long life dairy milk;Anything requiring refrigeration:
Tins of beef stew and cooked meatsFor example:
Jam & Marmalade- fresh vegetables
Tinned potatoes, fish, vegetables- any fresh fruit
Tinned chick peas, lentils, soups.- any dairy produce
Powdered & cartons of custard,.- fresh fruit juices
Packets of instant mashed potatoes,- fresh sponge puddings
Carton fruit juices, sponge puddings.Additionally:
Coffee, small and medium jars .Corned beef (they have a plentiful supply).
Washing up liquid.
Toiletries for men.

Little Food Pantry at St Augustine Church

The first Sunday of every month including during Lent there is a collection of food at St Augustine’s for the Little Free Pantry. If you are able to help we would welcome donations of dry goods, tins, baby milk and toiletries. We try to avoid anything in glass bottles/jars.

We know that the pantry is being well used and demand is getting higher so thank you for any help you are able to give.

Thank you so much for your ongoing support throughout the year.